Discovery of the museums, starting with the African American History and Culture Museum and followed by a personal choice among all the Smithsonian museums.
Day at Central High school. Discovering a school from the inside and meeting wonderful people.
And of course, a lot of walking in the streets



Two more days of discovering the city and its history and walking through the streets of the city that never sleeps. Everyone almost knows New York like the back of their hand now! 

[USA Trip] New York City & Washington DC

[USA Trip] New York City & Washington DC

Good evening y’all. Voici un peu plus tardivement que nous l’aurions espéré quelques informations relatives à notre séjour aux USA.  Nos premiers jours ont été très chargés et déjà riches en émotions 🙂

Six professeurs intrépides accueillent une cohorte d’élèves dans l’aéroport. Leur but partagé : l’épanouissement de l’esprit et du cœur. Une aventure unique les attend, sur un continent nouveau pour presque tous : l’Amérique. Une batterie de procédures administratives et sécuritaires les assaillit. Rien n’y fait : ils arrivent dans l’avion, plus soudés que jamais, le savoir et la découverte à l’horizon. 

Juchés par-dessus les nuages atlantiques, les élèves et leurs accompagnateurs passent en revue leurs attentes par rapport aux villes à découvrir : des bagels ? Des taxis ? Des cowboys ? Bien sûr, la réalité les surprendra en bien, et cette quête démystificatrice, mettant l’accent sur les aspects culturels de New York City et de Washington DC, marquera un point fort dans le parcours éducatif de nos élèves de section américaine. 

Day 1
New York City
After we woke up at 7 a.m, we took the subway all the way to the Freedom tower where we could admire the New York skyline from its highest point. In the afternoon, we went to the U.N. headquarters, where we got to see first hand this seat of world power, how decisions are made, as well as a few interesting exhibitions. We also had a guided visit of it which was very interesting, lively, and has helped us to relate to the MUN that we partske in annually, who knows, maybe we’ll be in the reall conference hall? In the evening, we had the opportunity to discover Time Square. 🙂
Matéo, Léontine, Max, Okba

Times Square est l’un des lieux les plus touristiques et attractifs de la ville de New York. On peut y faire toutes sortes d’activités. Chacun y trouve son compte: les fans de Kpop ont droit à la boutique BT21, le magasin M&M’s pour les gourmands, les grandes enseignes de mode pour les fans de shopping ou encore le musée Ripley pour les curieux. Il s’agit également d’un lieu de spectacle pour les artistes professionnels (comédies musicales) et amateurs (dans les rues). Par exemple, nous avons pu assister à un spectacle d’acrobaties.

Andoniana, Naik, Océane, Aurora

Day 2
New York City

After waking up nice and early, we took the subway to Harlem to get a feeling of this embelmatic area in which James Baldwin, among other famous figures, grew up in. We had a long stroll and went to Columbia University. We then wandered around the snowy streets trying to find a place to stop our starvation, although we learned a thing or 2 about American pricing. Then we took a trip through a snowy Central Park. We started a snowball fight although there was a casualty, nothing serious though, and he’s all better now 🤕. Through our wanders, we caught sight of the ‘duck pond’ in Central Park, none other than Holden Caulfield’s duck pond! We took the subway to Soho and Chinatown and we had some free time.
Colin & Yannis

Day 3
New York City

For this third day, we first took the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty! It was really impressive to see this iconic monument. We went into the statue to see the view over New York and to take pictures of its skyline and many skyscrapers. Then we visited the Immigration Museum on Ellis Island, we discovered the rooms where migrants coming to America were checked, controlled, questioned, and either accepted or denied entry to ths USA.
After the lunch, we had free time to discover Chinatown, Soho, the MoMA, and Greenwich Village. It was great! Lastly we walked on the Brooklyn Bridge by night, a very beautiful view over the skyscrapers of NY. For the most motivated of us, we took the subway and walked to see the Empire State Building or Times Square. Then we went back to the hotel for a good night sleep before our very last day in NYC.
Bettina & Garance

The September 11 attack was a worldwide event that left its mark and left many irreparable scars.
It is located on the site of the former twin towers of the World Trade Center, in southern Manhattan, New York.
Visiting these places rich in emotion and synonymous with both progress and horror was therefore an essential part of our visit to New York.
The September 11 memorial looks like a pit framed by the names of the victims where water flowing through the centre symbolizes the tears shed by all the victims of this attack.
This visit was my favorite because it made me realize that any act could have severe consequences.

Day 4

For their last day in NYC, some went to the Statue of Liberty, in Liberty Island. This must-see monument was given by France in 1886, as a token of friendship between the two countries. Near this impressive steel woman, we felt really small. For some of us, it was a dream that became true. After this first visit, we went to Ellis Island. This small island opened in 1892 to welcome immigrants from different countries. We felt like walking in the footsteps of these people, such as Annie Moore, the first immigrant who entered the island, a fifteen-year-old Irish girl. To pay her a tribute, they built a statue at her effigy. She lived in Manhattan until she died at the age of fifty. We also would have loved to stay a little longer but we had to leave for Washington D.C in the afternoon, on the road towards new adventures.

Valentine, Yasmine.

« The high line » est une ancienne voix ferrée qui a été transformée en une allée piétonne. Elle s’étend sur plusieurs mètres au dessus des rues de Manhattan. De magnifiques bâtiments se trouvent tout le long, des locaux d’art, des appartements atypiques et des bureaux. C’est l’endroit parfait pour une balade, un rendez-vous, admirer le coucher de soleil, ou même pour faire un concert. On a traversé le parc linéaire lumineux, tout en s’arrêtant pour faire des photos du beau paysage new yorkais.


Part II: Washington DC

Après un peu plus de 4h de car nous sommes bien arrivés à Washington DC aux alentours de 20h. A suivre, très prochainement, le compte rendu de nos premières visites et premières émotions dans le district de Columbia.

Day 1

Hi de hi
We started the day the day at 9 am and we went to the White House. It was astonishingly small and we sent a peaceful message to the lovely president. We then walked to the National Museum of Natural History where we learned a lot about animals, fossils or even mummies. After lunch, we went to the National Gallery of Art where we had 2hours to learn about neo-classism, romanticism and impressionism. We then met up and started walking towards the Abraham lincoln memorial during sunset. We finished the day by going to the place where Martin Luther King Junior gave his iconic speech « I have a dream ».

Kim, Romain & Ryme

Washington Day 3

Washington Day 3


Team building and tour of Central High School. We shared a lot during this school-day spent with the students and teachers of the French Immersion program. Then we went off to the Newseum after walking past the White House, finalizing our « checks and balances » tour: Congress, The Supreme Court, The White House, and the Fourth Power, the Press. We then went to the Mall to see Lincoln’s Memorial and the Vietnam War Memorial. Back to Silver Spring for a dinner together.


Washington Day 2

Washington Day 2

The Capitol and the Library of Congress and a walk past the Supreme Court. The tour of the places of power will be complete after the White House on Thursday.

A quick visit at the National Museum of American History and an evening in the historic neighbourhood of Georgetown by the Potomac river, an opportunity to see what Halloween has in store.

Day 3 in New York

Day 3 in New York

Liberty Enlightening the World

Wall Street.

Why the French gave the Statue of Liberty to the Americans.

Grand Central Station

Time Square

Ellis Island

Discovering New York means walking and our pedometers are definitely going mad. Days are too short to fit everything in!

Everything going great.


The LIEP debate team makes it to the FDA finals with flying colors!

The LIEP debate team makes it to the FDA finals with flying colors!

Wednesday, May 9th, 12.30: The eight speakers of the debate team leave Noisy for Vincennes, both excited and anxious for their first participation in the selection round of the FDA High School Tournament. They know ten teams (Camille See, Louis Le Grand, Henri IV, Sévigné, Berlioz, Lycée International de l’Est Parisien, Massillon, Ecole Alsacienne, Fénelon and Claude Monnet) are participating in this selection round and they know there will be two rounds, each team debating twice.

They know what to expect because they have practiced and because they saw how Paris II, Panthéon-Assas won the finals of the Higher Education Tournament when they went to the Hôtel de Lassay at the Assemblée Nationale earlier in the year, but still, this feels like playing in major leagues.

13.45: Time for the first debate, the one they have prepared with the help of the whole team. They have known the motion « THB struggle is essential to happiness »for a week, they are the government, the students from Henri IV are the opposition.

14.45: The members of the jury come back with their decision: The LIEP wins with 35 points!

15.00: No time to waste. The motion for the next debate has been drawn: « THW live forever ». The LIEP will be the opposition and Hector Berlioz, the government. They start brainstorming, they know they can count on the whole debate team and call upon the WhatsApp group, they organize their ideas. They have to be fast and efficient, they only have an hour.

16.00: The semi-improvised debate starts. They give it their all.

16.45: The members of the jury come back with their decision: The LIEP wins with 40 points!

17.15: Results of the selection round are announced:

Four teams won one debate:
Ecole Alsacienne
Louis Le Grand

Three teams won their two debates:
Sévigné (28+32= 60)
Camille See (33+37=70)
the LIEP (40+ 35= 75)

So the LIEP debate team not only won its two debates,
it also got the best score of the 10 teams!

The Finals will therefore be 
Camille See and Lycée International de l’Est Parisien

They will debate at the Irish Embassy on May 30th

This was such an intense afternoon and the results such a joy!

Congratulations to the whole debating team for
their impressive work and determination,
their amazing team spirit and efficient collaborative work,
their energy and enthusiasm
and the oratory skills of their speakers.

Our speakers’ on-the-spot impressions

« We weren’t going there thinking we would win the selection round but we went there and we just did it », « I was happily surprised at the great atmosphere », « Great experience », « Unexpected », « We came here, we did the job, determination is stronger than anything », « Very nice surprise »